Swearing in ceremony of the Vienuolis squad, Vytis military district. July 30, 1949. Squad chief Jonas Baltušnikas (alias Vienuolis, killed on July 31, 1949) keeps the cross
Travel exhibition
Armed anti-Soviet Resistance in Lithuania in 1944-1953
Owner of the exhibition:
The Museum of Genocide Victims, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Contact address, tel., email etc:
The Museum of Genocide Victims Auku 2a, LT-01113 Vilnius, Lithuania (+370 5) 266 32 82, muziejus@genocid.lt
Contact person:
Ms Zydrune Sidagyte, Chief Education Officer of the Museum of Genocide Victims
Technical requirement:
The exhibition is quite large. It consists of 21 stands, each 220 cm high by 105 cm wide.
Language and translation:
The exhibition is in Lithuanian and English. Stands providing translation into other languages can be placed near each stand – see the photo.
Financial conditions (transportation etc.):
The borrowers must pay transportation costs and all other expenditures related to translation, erection and dismantling.
Former exhibition venues:
Denmark (Thisted, Aalborg, Copenhagen), US (Chicago, Washington), Poland (Sejny, Punsk), Ukraine (Lvov), Latvia (Riga), Hungary, Sweden, Slovenia, Norway, Germany and Bulgaria.

Partisans on the march. Šarūnas and Žaibas squads, Kazimieraitis corps, Dainava military district. From left to right: squad chief Jonas Daugirdas (alias Kovas, killed on March 15, 1949), Petras Krisiulevičius (alias Tigras, killed on June 18, 1948), group chief Bronius Paleckas (alias Šturmas) and Viktoras Krisiulevičius (alias Tauras, killed on Aug. 22, 1949)

Vytautas Gavėnas (alias Vampyras), member of the headquarters of the Tauras military district, and Juozas Ališauskas (alias Klaidas) during reconnaissance on August. 15, 1948

Meeting of the partisans of the Kazimieraitis corps, Dainava military district, in the forest near Palkabaliai village. Adolfas Ramanauskas, chief of the district, awards squad chief Adolfas Baublys (alias Merkys). April, 1948

Partisans with the Kazimieraitis corps, Dainava military district. April, 1948. From left to right: Jonas Budėnas (alias Klebonas), killed in September 1950; his sister Sofija Budėnaitė (alias Ramunė), killed on September 10, 1949; Jonas Jakubavičius (alias Rugys), chief of the Vanagas squad, killed on September 16, 1949; Teofilis Valickas (alias Balys), chief of the Vytautas partisan group, killed on September 10, 1949.

In a bunker… In such a cubbyhole, partisans spent a lot of time, especially in winter.
The exhibition deals with the partisan war i WAR AFTER WAR n Lithuania after the Second World War, when the country was occupied by Soviet troops. The partisan war was more or less unknown in the West.
The Lithuanian underground and armed partisan resistance was the biggest and strongest in the Baltic States. A peace conference had been expected after the Second World War that would result in an independent Lithuania, but no help was forthcoming from outside. The main resistance ended in 1953 although the last partisans were killed as late as 1965. A total of 20,000 partisans had, by then, been killed.
The stands tell the story of the partisans, the military organization and everyday life and activities, along with topics such as the partisans and their families following deportation.