Grūtas, Druskininkai. Grutas Park is located in the south-west of Lithuania, 5 km from Druskininkai, 120 km west of Vilnius and 120 km south of Kaunas. Buses run from Vilnius to Druskininkai several times a day. Buses run from Druskininkai to Grutas Park. See the website.




High season: 9.00-22.00. Low season: 9.00-17.00.

Here in the shade of firs and pines, the Soviet era monuments, torn down in 1989 and brought from Lithuanian cities and towns, are expansively laid out. The quantity of sculpture with an ideological content in the  single exhibition of Grutas Forest is a unique phenomenon in the world. It is the Lithuanian monumental inheritance of several decades. These idols and symbols, thrust upon the Lithuanian nation during the tragic Soviet era, reveal to us and our children the historical truth about the Soviet occupation in Lithuania. In order for everyone to understand it, they need to see it for themselves. We look forward to your visit!