Information about the ordinary yearly meeting of the Board of Representatives and the agenda and the minutes of the meeting will be published here.


Name of organization and location

1.2  The name of the organization is The Baltic Initiative and Network, hereinafter referred to as “the organization”.
1.3  The organization is a non-profit organization.
1.4  The organization’s registered offices are located in Denmark.

Object, aimes and activities

2.1  The participating member countries are (in alphabetical order): Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden. Activities may take place in other countries (referred to as “country cooperation”) if this fits in with the organization’s objectives and is of benefit to member activities in the participating member countries.
New members countries shall be approved by the Board and, subsequently, by the Board of Representatives.
2.2  The overall objective of the organization is to strengthen mutual understanding between museums, organizations and individuals in the member countries.
2.3  The premise underlying the organization is that mutual understanding between countries can be promoted through an exchange of information on their recent history. This information is based around historically valuable sites and/or museums/organizations concerned with recent history, especially the 1945-1991 period, also referred to as the Cold War period.
2.4  The organization’s specific objectives are, nationally and internationally: to promote the recording and protection of historical locations that form a valuable part of the historical narrative. Relevant sites may include, for example: military installations and towns, prisons and prison camps, partisan bunkers, execution sites, secret police offices, sculptures and architecture, and even simple squares or buildings where memorable events took place,
to improve informational activities taking place at historical locations and museums, to encourage international cooperation aimed at strengthening mutual understanding.
2.5  The organization’s concrete and specific activities focus primarily on: Participating in the recording, protection and restoration of historical locations, Providing information on historical locations and museums, Promoting public access to locations with historical story-telling potential, Facilitating the exchange of exhibitions and historical materials between museums and relevant historical organizations, Promoting tourism to historical locations and museums and organizations relevant to recent history, Promoting activities aimed at young people, Promoting eye witness participation in informational activities.
2.6  The organization also has the specific task of managing and developing the website: www.coldwarsites.net.


3.1  Museums, organizations or individuals may be admitted as members provided they are working to achieve the organization’s objectives.
3.2  Withdrawal shall be upon written request to the Board.
3.3  New member countries shall be approved by the Board and, sunsequently, by the Board of Representatives.

The Board of Representatives

4.1  The Board of Representatives is the highest authority of the organization.
4.2  The ordinary yearly meeting of the Board of Representatives shall take place in the last quarter of the year.
4.3  The Board of Representatives shall be convened with 6 weeks´ notice, together with an agenda for the meeting, and published on the website.
4.4 The agenda for the yearly meeting of the Board of Representatives shall contain the following minimum points:
– Election of Chair.
– Approval of rules of procedure for the meeting.
– Approval of new members and member countries.
– Annual report.
– Financial statement.
– Proposals received.
– Proposal for budget.
– Election of members to the Board.
– Any other business.
4.5  Proposals to be considered by members at the yearly meeting shall be received by the Board at least 4 weeks prior to the meeting. Proposals shall be published on the website at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
4.6  Decisions can be taken at the meeting regardless of how many members are present.
4.7  Each member of the organization can send more representatives to the meeting.
4.8  Organizations and museums shall have 2 votes each at the meeting. Individual members shall have one vote.
4.9  Votes shall be cast on paper if so requested by a member.
4.10  All votes and decisions shall be taken by a simple majority.
4.11  The Chair shall approve the minutes of the meeting by signing them and they shall subsequently be published on the organizations website.

The Board

5.1  The Board shall elect a chair, secretary and treasurer.
5.2  Between the yearly meetings of the The Board of Representatives, the Board shall be the supreme authority.
5.3  The Board shall consist of a maximum of 8 persons from the member countries. Members of the Board can may also be elected from other countries with whom the organization wishes to commence cooperation (referred to as “country-cooperation”).
5.4.  New Board members can be recommended by members of the organization. Elections shall take place at the yearly meeting of the Board of Representatives.
5.5  The Board shall have the authority to elect new members between meetings of the Board of Representatives. These Board members shall then be approved as ordinary members by the next meeting of the Board of Representatives.
5.6  Board members shall be elected every second year. At the first constitution of the Board, it shall be decided that half of the Board members shall, exceptionally, come up for election after three years.
5.7  Names and addresses of Board members shall be shown on the organization’s website.
5.8.  The Board shall approve all activities and projects initiated by or involving the participation of the organization. Approval shall be by a simple majority vote. In the event of a tie, lots shall be drawn.
5.9  The Chair is responsible for ensuring that Board members receive all necessary and relevant information on proposals and on the running of activities and projects. The Chair also undertakes to inform Board members of other Board members’ points of view.


6.1  In addition to its members, the organization consists of the following associated groups:
– National Contact Persons.
Two National Contact Persons may be appointed in every member country. These National Contact Persons can be involved in both national and international activities. Names and addresses shall be given on the organization’s website. National Contact Persons shall be appointed by the Board.
– The Honorary Board.
This Group has only representaive and advisory functions. Names shall be given on the organization’s website. Members of the Honorary Board shall be appointed by the Board.


7.1  The income of the organization consists of financial support from donors such as foundations, public authorities and private individuals.
7.2  Members do not pay a subscription.
7.3  The organization shall not incur debts, raise loans or present a financial statement with a negative balance.


8.1  The accounting shall follow the calendar year and be completed no later than May of the following year.


9.1 Changes to the Articles of Associations shall be made a simple majority vote at the meeting of the Board of Representatives.


10.1  The organization shall be dissolved if two consecutive meetings of the Board of Representatives so decides by a simple majority vote.